機票搞定了, 英亞航搭國泰, 15號出門, 31號回來跨年

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"We are going to England."付款確認機票的隔天剛起床,他突然冒出這樣一句話.

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It was the night before my exam. You were busy with your team stuff, and I was suffering from the painful exam. We got only one hour to see each other and have dinner together. Just before you lest me, you wanted me to turn my head and told the three magic words to my left ear. We were standing at the busy intersection, but I heard you clearly. So unexpected and touched!

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Saturday-ikea day
sunday-natalie's birthday

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artist: pink
album: i'm not dead

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artist: justin timberlake
album: future sex/love sounds

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artist: Nelly Furtado
Album: Loose

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  • 這是一篇加密文章,請輸入密碼
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在我忘記怎麼做以前,把食譜先放上來。上次也是第一次做,吃過的人都說好吃不會膩,我自己就瘋狂吃了,希望下次做還是一樣好吃!話說我這陣子真的是吃不停,至少我的腦子不時充斥著brownie、cheesecake、ice cream、hamburger、豬排飯……難以細屬的食物。

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100g butter
2 eggs
2 dl sugar, heaped
1 dl wheat flour
3/4 dl aimed chocolate
1 ts vanilla sugar

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100 g Smör
2 ägg
2 dl Socker; rågade
1 dl Vetemjöl
3/4 dl Siktad kakao
1 ts Vaniljsocker

Smält smöret och låt svalna. Vispa ägg o socker pösigt o blanda i fettet. Blanda med resten, häll i smord o bröad form med löstagbar botten. Grädda i 175 grader 24 min för form med 20 cm diameter, 21 min för form med 23 cm diameter. Bör helst stå minst 3 tim innan servering.

Det jag tycker är bra med den är att man inte behöver ha blockchoklad hemma, ändå blir den rätt smarrig.

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the original websiste: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/26/fashion/26email.html?ex=1165381200&en=4cff7eaacbba964e&ei=5070&emc=eta1

written by Lola Ogunnaike

what does "xoxo" mean in your mind? It comes up to me like some dirty words or something you don't find a word to describe right away. However, I am totally wrong! Read this article, and you will know what "xoxo" stands for.

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